Linda, Born 1981, From Brighton, Essex

Are you the key to my tower??

You must be accomplished, romantic, sensual, and literate. I want a best friend, a partner in crime, my mirror image. Casual dating only leads to casual friendships and I want something more meaningful than that. Seeking a good man who has compassion for others. A man with diverse ests: self-confidence, honesty, and a sense of adventure. Someone who understands the quality of passion to be had in a monogamous relationship. Someone who is easy to get along with and not afraid to be affectionate. Someone that we can share each other’s hobbies and complement each other. A sarcastic/dry sense of humor a must..

I’ve always gone after what I want and although the results may not have always been desired, I consider all of my life journeys as powerful lessons that are shaping who I am.My friends and family consistently tell me that I am brave, spirited, and adorable and that I have hilarious facial expressions. Most days, I am a ball of energy, but I also have no problem with kicking back with a good book, movie, or companion for a lazy day. I am very open with who I am and what I believe, but I can become occasionally guarded and shy. I can be serious, as well as a big kid, and I hope to find someone that shares that quality.My life is already composed of the best of everything, lacking only in a male candidate who can meet the challenge of sweeping me off my feet. I enjoy my own company, so I’m in no hurry to rush into something just for the sake of being in a relationship. Quality is always worth the wait.

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